April 20, 2011

How to Draft Your Research Paper & MLA Parenthetical Citation

If your outline was thoroughly done, you are ready to start drafting your paper.  If you still need to work on your outline, I strongly recommend that you complete that before starting to draft. 

When you are drafting, here are a few things to keep in mind:
  • getting it down is the most important thing - don't drive yourself crazy with word choice right now - you can revise that later
  • keep yourself organized by following your outline and writing topic sentences
  • do pay attention to punctuation, especially for quotes - refer back to the mini-lesson on quotes on the network if you need to
  • quote sandwich! quote sandwich!  make sure that you have both a top and bottom slice for each quote
  • follow the guidelines for MLA parenthetical citation as detailed on many web sites, including Purdue OWL
Due to the Poetry Slam, which was not yet scheduled when I made our due dates, I am moving the rough draft deadline to 8 pm on Monday, May 2nd.  You will get some time in class that day to work on your drafts but not the full 90 minutes. 

Rough Draft Rubric - 100 points total

includes an introduction with thesis statement - ___/10
parenthetical citations are correct - ____/15
body paragraphs include ample detail - facts, statistics, anecdotes, etc. - ____/15
topic sentences are included for each body paragraph - ____/10
includes a minimum of 5 primary source quotes somewhere in the paper - ____/10
includes a minimum of 5 secondary source quotes somewhere in the paper - ____/10
each and every quote is sandwiched with topic and bottom slices to contextualize the quotes - ____/10
editing is good (doesn't need to be perfect but attention was given to capitalization, spelling, etc.) - ____/10
writer used workshop time efficiently and did not disturb others - ____/10


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